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(+374- 10) 56 38 09
(+374-91/93) 56 38 09
Yerevan – Vayots Dzor Region (Wine Tour + lunch at a local family) – Yerevan
120 km
7-8 hours
Fully equipped comfortable cars (Sedan, Mini Van) with A/C, GPS, Wi-Fi
Starting from Yerevan, we drive 2 hours to the village of Areni, which is the most famous center of winemaking in Armenia. Our first stop will be at Arpa Parnas Wine and Rest Valley, where wines of different local producers are presented. Here we taste 4 sorts of wine and then move to Areni-1 Cave (also called Cave of Birds), where archeologists have excavated the oldest winery in the world (6500 y.o.) and the oldest leather shoe ever made by human. For lunch, we visit a local family in Areni, where we taste traditional Armenian dishes served with home-made wine. Finally, we visit Hin Areni wine factory, where we will taste 2 more sorts of premium wines.