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Yerevan – Sevan Lake – Dilijan – Haghartzin Monastery – Parz Lake – Yerevan
150 km
9-10 hours
Fully equipped comfortable cars (Sedan, Mini Van) with A/C, GPS, Wi-Fi
Sevan Lake / ake Sevan is the largest body of water in Armenia and the Caucasus region. It is one of the largest freshwater high-altitude (alpine) lakes in Eurasia.The lake is situated in Gegharkunik Province, at an altitude of 1,900 m (6,234 ft) above sea level. The total surface area of its basin is about 5,000 km2 (1,900 sq mi), which makes up 1⁄6 of Armenia’s territory.[6] The lake itself is 1,242 km2 (480 sq mi), and the volume is 32.8 km3 (7.9 cu mi). It is fed by 28 rivers and streams. Only 10% of the incoming water is drained by the Hrazdan River, while the remaining 90% evaporates.The lake provides some 90% of the fish and 80% of the crayfish catch of Armenia. Sevan has significant economic, cultural, and recreational value. Its only island (now a peninsula) is home to a medieval monastery.Sevan was heavily exploited for irrigation of the Ararat plain and hydroelectric power generation during the Soviet period. Consequently, its water level decreased by around 20 m (66 ft) and its volume reduced by more than 40%. Two tunnels were later built to divert water from highland rivers, which halted its decline and its level began rising. Before human intervention dramatically changed the lake’s ecosystem, the lake was 95 m (312 ft) deep, covered an area of 1,416 km2 (547 sq mi) (5% of Armenia’s entire area), and had a volume of 58.5 km3 (14.0 cu mi). The lake’s surface was at an altitude of 1,916 m (6,286 ft) above sea level.
Dilijan / The health resort town Dilijan surrounded by the Lesser Caucasus mountain-range lies to the north-eastern part of the Republic of Armenia, in the valley of the river Aghstev, at a height of 1100-1510 meters above sea level. It borders with the Bazums in the north-east, the Pambaks – in the west and south-west, the Murghuzes- in the east and the Areguns- in the south-east. The gorge mountain-ranges are covered with rich forests changing to alpine meadows at the alp. The town reformed highway joints the town with the capital Yerevan (96 km), Vanadzor and Ijevan (35-40 km). As a climatic balneal health centre of medium- mountain zone, Dilijan is characterized by mild, moderate warm summer, sunny warm winter and dry warm weather during the whole year. Due to archaeological investigations conducted in the 70s of the 19th century, the man has been living here since the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Ages (the end of 2000 BC-the beginning of 1000). Due to its natural and climatic conditions Dilijan is a single land. Fine landscape has an extra positive influence on patients and holiday-makers. The middle altitude is 1256meters. Relief is complicated. One of the most valuable natural resources in Dilijan is woods covering the 34000 hectares territory. For the purpose of woods’ flora and fauna keeping, enrichment and receiving new species in local conditions the state forest reserve has been organized in 1958 and later on in 2002 “Dilijan national park” has been created on its basis. The woodland covers 94 percent of the park territory and it has about 40 types of trees and 18 ones of bushes. In the most part the main tree types are oak, beech, hornbeam. It is strictly prohibited to fish and hunt at the national park territory for the purpose of hunting and pharmaceutics. Dilijan has great opportunities for ecotourism development and certain measures have already undertaken for its realizing. The Lake Parz is situated in the northern part of the town at a height of 1400 meters. It has 2 hectares area and 8 meters mean depth. To the east of the Lake Parz, at a distance of 3kilometers from Gosh village, there is the Lake of Tzlka (Gosh) at a height of 1500meters. The Aghstev with its tributaries gives peculiar charm to the general town landscape. It originates in the north-western mountainside of the Pambak chain of mountains (at a height of 2980 meters) and flows into the Kura. The river length is 133 kilometers. The annual flow forms 256 cubic meters. The left-side tributaries Bldsan and Ghshtoghan join the Aghstev in the central part of the town. In the environs of Teghut village the tributary Haghartsin joins it and the longest tributary Getik flows into it in the lower part of the village Gosh.
Haghartzin Monastery / In the upper reaches of the Aghstev River, there is Haghartzin monastery ensemble of the Tavush district. It is situated in dense oak wood, in the gorge of small but turbulent mountain river. The local terrain and scenery determined the compositional peculiarities of this ensemble. The church of St.Astvatzatzin (1281) deserves special mention. This is the biggest building of all, the artistic dominant of the ensemble. The tall sixteen-faceted dome, dominating all the other structures, is decorated with a graceful arcature. This adds to the optical height of the dome and creates the impression that its drum is weightless. The interesting sculptural group of the church’s eastern facade shows two men in monks’ attires who point with their hands at a model of a church and a picture of a dove with half-spread wings placed between them. The figures are shown wearing different dresses – the one standing right is dressed richer than the one standing left. The faces, with their long whiskers, luxuriant combed beards and large almond-shaped eyes, are also executed in different manners. These are probably the founders of the church, the Father Superior and his assistant.
Parz Lake / Lake Parz («Clear Lake») is a small lake located in a thick forest in the Dilijan National Park east of Dilijan town.Taking the road East from Dilijan, one reaches in 6.7 km the turn-off right (sign-posted in Armenian) for Parz Lich. Cross the bridge over the Aghstev, bearing West, then take the left fork, which winds through about 8 km of forest to end at a modest green lake, banks slightly muddy (beware ringworm) but excellent for a picnic and forest hikes in a quiet, non-typical setting. The length of the lake is to 385 m and a width is of 85 m. The maximum depth – 5 m.